Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Review of Jeffrey Gitomer Interview

The Jeffrey Gitomer Think Big Interview Pt. 1 and Pt. 2 was a direct account of the sales training Jeffrey Gitomer will provide at the expo and a complimentary sales training short wrapped into one. Jeffrey Gitomer revealed his most powerful sales approach and what Gitomer has done to execute it effectively. Jeffrey Gitomer punctuated that attendees of the Think Big Expo would "learn to earn" by receiving sales training that helps tackle real world problems with effective solutions.

My favorite part was when Jeffrey Gitomer illustrated how I could approach my toughest sales lead promoting expo event tickets, and what he thought was the least effective sales approach. The Jeffrey Gitomer Think Big Interview Pt. 1 and Pt. 2 gave me more questions I should ask sales leads to better position them to buy. Jeffrey Gitomer's examples goes along the lines of sales training expert opinion I've learned before, but he showed me how I should exactly ask these questions to sales leads; I'm going to try some of Jeffrey Gitomer's sales training, and I'll post on how it turns out. Listen to the Jeffrey Gitomer Think Big Interview Pt. 1 and Pt. 2 and comment on what you think.

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